Plotting text

It is often useful to add annotations to a map plot. This is handled by pygmt.Figure.text.

import pygmt

Basic map annotation

Text annotations can be added to a map using the text method of the pygmt.Figure.

Full details of the GMT6 command text can be found `here<>`_. The Python binding to this command is documented `here<>`_.

Here we create a simple map and add an annotation using the text, x, and y arguments to specify the annotation text and position in the projection frame. text, x, and y accept int, str, or float.

fig = pygmt.Figure()
with pygmt.config(MAP_FRAME_TYPE="plain"):
    fig.basemap(region=[108, 120, -5, 8], projection="M20c", frame="a")
fig.coast(land="black", water="skyblue")

# Plotting text annotations using single elements
fig.text(text="SOUTH CHINA SEA", x=112, y=6)

# Plotting text annotations using lists of elements
fig.text(text=["CELEBES SEA", "JAVA SEA"], x=[119, 112], y=[3.25, -4.6])


<IPython.core.display.Image object>

Changing font style

The size, family/weight, and colour of an annotation can be specified using the font argument.

A list of all recognised fonts can be found `here<>`_), including details of how to use non-default fonts.

fig = pygmt.Figure()
with pygmt.config(MAP_FRAME_TYPE="plain"):
    fig.basemap(region=[108, 120, -5, 8], projection="M20c", frame="a")
fig.coast(land="black", water="skyblue")

# Customising the font style
fig.text(text="BORNEO", x="114.", y=0.5, font="22p,Helvetica-Bold,white")


<IPython.core.display.Image object>

Plotting from a text file

It is also possible to add annotations from a file containing x, y, and text fields. Here we give a complete example.

fig = pygmt.Figure()
with pygmt.config(MAP_FRAME_TYPE="plain"):
    fig.basemap(region=[108, 120, -5, 8], projection="M20c", frame="a")
fig.coast(land="black", water="skyblue")

# Plot region names / sea names
fig.text(textfiles="examples.txt", font="22p,Helvetica-Bold,white")

# Plot names of seas
fig.text(text=["CELEBES SEA", "JAVA SEA"], x=[119, 112], y=[3.25, -4.6])
fig.text(text="SULU SEA", x=119.12, y=7.25, angle=-40)
fig.text(text="SOUTH CHINA SEA", x=112, y=6, angle=40)
fig.text(text="MAKASSAR STRAIT", x=118.4, y=-1, angle=65)


<IPython.core.display.Image object>

justify argument

justify is used to define the anchor point for the bounding box for text being added to a plot. The following code segment demonstrates the positioning of the anchor point relative to the text.

The anchor is specified with a two letter (order independent) code, chosen from: * Horizontal anchor: L(eft), C(entre), R(ight) * Vertical anchor: T(op), M(iddle), B(ottom)

fig = pygmt.Figure()
fig.basemap(region=[0, 4, 0, 4], projection="X10c", frame="WSen")
for i, y_justify in enumerate(["T", "M", "B"]):
    y_pos = 3.5 - i*1.5
    fig.plot(x=[0., 4.], y=[y_pos, y_pos], W='3p,red@85')
    for j, x_justify in enumerate(["L", "C", "R"]):
        justify_text = x_justify + y_justify
        x_pos = 0.5 + j*1.5
        fig.text(text=justify_text, x=x_pos, y=y_pos,
                 font="28p,Helvetica-Bold,black", justify=justify_text)
        fig.plot(x=[x_pos, x_pos], y=[0., 4.], W="3p,red@85")


<IPython.core.display.Image object>

angle argument

angle is an optional argument used to specify the clockwise rotation of the text from the horizontal.

fig = pygmt.Figure()
fig.basemap(region=[0, 4, 0, 4], projection="X10c", frame="WSen")
for i in range(0, 360, 30):
    fig.text(text=f"`          {i} Degrees", x=2, y=2, justify="LM", angle=i)


<IPython.core.display.Image object>

Additional arguments

Text can be further configured by passing an argument corresponding to the flag names in GMT, following the same convention as described in the GMT documentation. It is hoped that over time more bindings to these arguments will be written into PyGMT.

fig = pygmt.Figure()
fig.basemap(region=[0, 1, 0, 1], projection="X5c", frame="WSen")
fig.text(text="Green", x=0.5, y=0.5, G="green")


<IPython.core.display.Image object>

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 5.827 seconds)

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